Take Advantage of the Powerhouse Gym Experience
More than just workout classes, fitness classes at Powerhouse are experiences. These classes are created and developed by the industry’s best minds. These classes are taught by superstars who inspire and ignite. They are held in specially designed studios and pristine spaces. Via Group Fitness, Powerhouse Gym works to craft a suite of destination experiences that bring results through innovation.
Take Advantage of the Powerhouse Gym Experience
More than just workout classes, fitness classes at Powerhouse are experiences. These classes are created and developed by the industry’s best minds. These classes are taught by superstars who inspire and ignite. They are held in specially designed studios and pristine spaces. Via Group Fitness, Powerhouse Gym works to craft a suite of destination experiences that bring results through innovation.

A combination of Martial Arts techniques and heart-pumping cardio, kickboxing is a high-energy, full body workout that will help you tone, relieve stress and build self-defense moves. Put your wraps on to strike, kick and engage that punching bag (don’t be shy). Work on a stronger, faster, healthier and more confident you!
[email protected]
Mon - Fri: 5 am – 10 pm
Sat - Sun: 6 am- 5 pm
1406 Freedom Blvd.
Watsonville, CA 95076
[email protected]
Mon - Fri: 5 am – 10 pm
Sat - Sun: 6 am- 5 pm
1406 Freedom Blvd.
Watsonville, CA 95076